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How to Create a Restriction

Learn where and how to create a new Restriction in FLYR Hospitality

Maria Garbea avatar
Written by Maria Garbea
Updated over 2 months ago

Before we go into the details on how to create a restriction, we first need to decide if this should be a tactical or a strategic one.

  • Tactical restrictions assist you to effectively revenue manage specific nights where either you want to restrict low value business or distribute high demand over to low-performing shoulder nights.

  • Strategic restrictions are rate plan level restriction and, generally a restriction inferred from the rate plan definition.

It is important to remember that FLYR optimizes tactical restrictions. During the optimization, FLYR will account for the strategic restrictions defined for the property and ensures that a less restrictive restriction will never be recommended vs. what you have strategically defined. So, if you want to add a restriction but wish for FLYR to optimize it and potentially remove it again if deemed necessary, make sure you are creating a tactical restriction. For more details, check out this article.

Create a strategic restriction

Navigate to Configuration > Strategic Restrictions. To create a restriction in FLYR, you can make use of the Add new button in the top right corner.

FLYR currently supports three different restriction types with three possible options. Depending on your PMS capabilities, not all restriction types and options are available.

Restriction Types

  1. Arrival restrictions

  2. Stay restrictions

  3. Departure restrictions

Restriction Options - can be applied to each chosen restriction type

  • Closed

  • Minimum Length of Stay

  • Maximum Length of Stay

Finally, choose which inventories and rate plans you'd like to apply the restriction to. You can select multiple inventories and rate plans at once. But make sure to double-check that you've selected all the right ones.

Hit Create Strategic Restriction and you're done ๐Ÿš€ You will now see your restriction in the list!

Create a tactical restriction

Once you have classified your rate plans, you can create a tactical restriction from any of the Optimization tabs by clicking on Actions and selecting New Tactical from the Restrictions section.

Three different type of tactical actions are at your disposal:

  • Arrival Restrictions - to quickly create arrival restrictions;

  • Open Night Fully - it facilitates you to remove all restrictions, both tactical and strategic without having the need to update the restrictions for each product, namely rate plan and inventory combination. Note that the strategic restriction as a whole wonโ€™t be removed. It will only be lifted for the specified nights.

Finally, choose which inventories and rate plans you'd like to apply the restriction to. You can select multiple inventories and rate plans at once. But make sure to double-check that you've selected all the right ones.

Hit Create Tactical Restriction and you're done ๐Ÿš€ You will now see your restriction in the table!

You can also click & drag across multiple inventories and dates directly on in the table to quickly create a tactical restriction for your selection. The selected dates and inventory types will be automatically pre-filled to assist the creation of restrictions.

Note: you can create a tactical restriction for up to seven continuous nights. In case you have selected more than seven nights, the selected date range will be limited to the first 7 nights selected.

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