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Configure your Default Price Settings

Settings up a new property on FLYR for Hospitality? Here is how to set up its Default price settings.

Michael Sandรฉen avatar
Written by Michael Sandรฉen
Updated over 7 months ago

Before we can price or provide recommendations for your inventory, you will need to define your Default MIN and MAX price settings.
This is important as it gives our pricing engine guidance on the price range within which it can position each inventory type.

Factors to consider for your minimum and maximum price settings

Your Default Price Settings will always apply to all dates within the next 365 days (except where you add a set of Event or Seasonal price settings). You may want to consider:

  • Minimum Rate

    The lowest rate FLYR Pricing can recommend.

    This rate should be at least 10% below the lowest start rate.

  • Maximum Rate

    The is the highest rate FLYR Pricing can recommend.

    This rate should be at least 30% above the highest ever sold rate.

  • Vary the settings by day-of-week if you know that certain weekdays, or perhaps the weekend, typically attract higher demand.

Where to configure your Default Price Settings

Defining your price settings is easy:

  1. Head over to your Calendar ๐Ÿ—“ on the left hand side options

  2. Navigate to the the 3 dots ...

  3. Click on the Default Price Controls

  4. Fill in the MIN and MAX price setting for each *day of the week* and each inventory or inventory group.
    *If the price settings you have in mind are the same across multiple days, use the Copy and Paste option to make this process much quicker! ๐ŸŽ

For more details on Seasonal and Event price settings read this article, and check out this one for some background on the hierarchy of price settings.

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