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Groups Quotation KPI Overview
Groups Quotation KPI Overview

Learn how to understand your KPIs for deeper group insights

Written by Nicole Adair
Updated over a week ago

The KPI header in our Groups Quotation tool allows you to quickly and easily evaluate critical data points for groups negotiations.

The Pricing Section

  1. Avg. Recommended Price - This is a weighted average of any prices generated by our intelligence engine for your specific inventory request. A full breakdown is available in the Negotiation section of your Groups Quotation.

  2. Group Budget - This is the specified budget available for room rate only from your input on Step 1 of the Groups Quotation creation.

    1. If the group budget was input as Accommodation Budget per Room, that same figure will reflect here.

    2. If the group budget was input as any one of Total Budget, Total Budget per Room, or Budget per Guest, this figure is reflective of their given budget amount minus any ancillary revenues. This is done to normalize these figures and allow a direct comparison between the Avg. Recommended Price and the Budget Price.

* More information about budget input and their impact on this KPI can be found

The Total Group Revenue Section

  1. Total Group Revenue - This is all top line revenue that will be generated by this group, calculated as a sum of Accommodation + Ancillary revenue. There are no costs deducted from this figure.

  2. Accommodation Revenue - This is all top line rooms revenue that will be generated by this group, calculated as the product of your recommended prices x the requested number of rooms. There are no costs deducted from this figure.

  3. Ancillary Revenue - This is all top line revenue that will be generated by all requested ancillary revenue items added in Step 3 of your group inquiry. There are no costs deducted from this figure.

The Incremental Group Revenue Section

  1. Incremental Accom. Revenue - This is the incremental rooms revenue that this group will bring to your hotel, calculated as Accommodation Revenue - Displaced Accom. Revenue. There are no costs deducted from this figure.

  2. Displaced Accom. Revenue - This is the top line transient rooms revenue the system forecasts would be expected over these dates that would be displaced by accepting this group.

The FLYR engine calculates displacement not only over the dates of the requested group block, but also the shoulder dates before and after the block. Our advanced forecasting capabilities allow for detailed understanding of arrivals and length-of-stay, so that this number provides you with insights into displacement across the full stay pattern.

Tip - Negative Incremental Accom. Revenue is not always a bad thing. Consider how much ancillary revenue a group will bring in even if there is not profit on the rooms side alone.

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