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Scheduling and sending dashboards in Insights
Scheduling and sending dashboards in Insights

This article details the supporting functionality and how to manage scheduling and sending dashboards in Insights.

Ashley Dehertogh avatar
Written by Ashley Dehertogh
Updated over a week ago

Streamline your data management and enhance team connectivity with Insights' advanced dashboard scheduling feature. Now more intuitive than ever, this feature incorporates direct dashboard links in all deliveries, granting recipients instant access for comprehensive analysis. Simplify your reporting process by effortlessly scheduling, customizing, and automating report distributions in multiple formats, including CSV, PDF, and PNG. Tailor delivery frequencies to meet your exact needs, ranging from minute-by-minute to monthly intervals, and personalize further with options like customized email subject lines. Managing your delivery schedules is straightforward, allowing for quick edits, duplications, or removals. Elevate your data delivery system, ensuring your team is always informed and engaged with immediate dashboard access within Insights.

With Insights, you can efficiently set up both immediate and recurring dashboard deliveries through the Schedule delivery dashboard menu. Choose from a variety of delivery services to fit your workflow:

Starting a delivery from a dashboard

Make sure the dashboard is not in edit mode. Click the three-dot menu in the upper right of the dashboard and choose Schedule delivery.

Once you click Schedule delivery, either an existing schedules window appears or a schedule and send window appears, depending on whether or not you have already created existing schedules on the dashboard.

Existing schedules window

If you have already created schedules for this dashboard, an existing schedules window appears that shows the schedules you have set along with some information about each one, such as destination and format. Deliveries using the Send now recurrence and schedules made by other people do not appear in this window.

You can perform the following functions in the existing schedules window:

  • Click Send now to send an immediate delivery of existing scheduled content without disrupting the scheduled cadence.

  • Click the three-dot menu to edit, duplicate, or delete a schedule.

  • Click Done to exit the window.

  • Click New to open the schedule and send window and create a new schedule or immediately send a new delivery.

Schedule and send window

If you click New from the existing schedules window, or, if you do not have any pre-existing schedules for the dashboard, a schedule and send window opens. This window lets you customize recurrence, destination, format, filters, and more:

The Settings tab in the schedule and send window lets you customize your delivery’s recurrence, destination, format, and more.

Naming a delivery

The top of the schedule and send window shows the name automatically given to the delivery. The name defaults to the dashboard’s name. To edit the delivery’s name, click the name (indicated by the dotted underscore), and make your edits.

Depending on the destination of your delivery, the title may also appear in other places:

  • For email deliveries, the title is used for the email’s subject line and as part of the filename if you select a format that uses an email attachment.

  • For deliveries to an Amazon S3 bucket, the title is used in the filename of the delivery and in any error emails that are sent. The filename of the delivery follows the format TITLE_TIMESTAMP_HASH, where HASH is a random six-character identifier and TIMESTAMP follows the pattern YYYY-MM-DDTHHMM (for example, the timestamp portion would look like 2019-05-31T0933 for May 31, 2019 at 9:33 AM).

  • For SFTP deliveries, the title is included in the filename of the delivery. The filename of the delivery follows the format TITLE_TIMESTAMP_HASH, where HASH is a random six-character identifier and TIMESTAMP follows the pattern YYYY-MM-DDTHHMM (for example, the timestamp portion would look like 2019-05-31T0933 for May 31, 2019 at 9:33 AM).

  • For deliveries to Dropbox or Google Drive that generate a file attachment, the title is included in the filename of the delivery.


Customize the timing of your delivery in the Recurrence section.

Send now

If you select Send now from the Recurrence drop-down menu, a one-time delivery of the dashboard is sent after you fill in the required fields and click the Send now button at the bottom of the window.

Time-based and date-based schedules

Select one of the following options from the Recurrence drop-down menu:

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Daily

  • Hourly

  • Minutes

  • Specific months

  • Specific days

Timing options change depending on the option that you choose. Here are the Hourly settings:

The Time, Start, and End fields use a 24-hour clock. If the desired time is not available in the drop-down menu, click within the field and manually enter your desired time, such as 9:15 or 15:37.

Hourly and Minutes schedules repeat daily within the Start and End time frame that you set. The end time for Hourly and Minutes intervals is not inclusive. The last delivery is sent at the last selected interval prior to the specified end time. For example, if a dashboard is scheduled Hourly between 12:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., then it is sent on the hour, every hour, from 12:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. If a recurrence is every 30 minutes between 12:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., then the last delivery is sent at 10:30 p.m.

Schedules triggered by datagroup updates

This functionality is only used internally by FLYR Hospitality. Please ignore this option.


The Destination setting may display several destination options for dashboard deliveries. Once you’ve selected a data destination, a new setting field appears for you to add specific details about that destination, such as an email address or a webhook URL. See the following sections for information about each destination’s settings.


When Email is selected in the Destination field, a new Email addresses field appears. This is a required field.

Enter the email addresses of the recipients in the Email addresses field. If entering multiple email addresses click the Enter key or add a comma after each address.

Emailed deliveries may not exceed 20 MB (for formats that are delivered in the email body) and 15 MB (for formats that are delivered as an attachment).

Note: If interested in delivering to Slack, you can utilize email delivery to send the dashboard via email to a Slack channel. See here for Slack Help Center instructions.

Amazon S3

Amazon S3 buckets are a common way to store large amounts of data. You or your company will need to have created an S3 bucket with Amazon before FLYR Hospitality can use it.

When Amazon S3 is selected in the Destination field, several new fields appear and prompt you for information about your Amazon S3 bucket:

  • Bucket: The name of your Amazon S3 bucket. This is a required field.

  • Optional Path: The folder, if any, that you want to save your data to.

  • Access Key: The Access Key ID to your S3 bucket, provided by Amazon. This is a required field.

  • Secret Key: The Secret Access Key to your S3 bucket, provided by Amazon. This is a required field.

  • Region: The Amazon services region where your S3 bucket is hosted.


Sending results to an SFTP server is a good method to use when your data or visualization is too large to send through email.

To receive SFTP deliveries from FLYR Hospitality, be sure your network admin has added FLYR Hospitality’s IP addresses to your SFTP server’s IP allowlist or inbound traffic rules (see below):




When SFTP is selected in the Destination field, several new fields appear and prompt you for information:

  • Address: The URL or IP address of the SFTP server to which you want to send your data. This is a required field. For example: sftp://host/path

  • Username and Password: Login credentials for the SFTP server. These are required fields.

  • Preferred key exchange algorithm: This field is optional. To configure it, choose the preferred SSH key exchange algorithm for establishing the connection. If the connection is not established within five minutes, choose a different algorithm. Some algorithms take a long time to generate an SSH key. This option lets you use an algorithm that might take less time. Choosing one of the algorithms makes it the preferred algorithm for establishing the SSH connection. If the algorithm is not supported by the server, all the other algorithms are used in subsequent attempts. When this field is set to Default, the original order of algorithms in the connection library is used.

SFTP support is limited to username and password credentials. SSH private key credentials are not supported.

Dropbox & Google Drive

You can schedule or send dashboard deliveries to a service that is integrated with FLYR Hospitality, such as Dropbox or Google Drive.


If interested in delivering to Slack, you can utilize email delivery to send the dashboard via email to a Slack channel. See here for Slack Help Center instructions.


The Format field contains a drop-down menu of available formats:

  • CSV zip file: The unformatted data from the dashboard delivered as a collection of comma-separated values (CSV) files in a zipped directory. For deliveries to email, the ZIP file is delivered as an email attachment.

  • PDF: An image of the dashboard as a single PDF file. The default layout displays tiles as they are arranged in the dashboard, but other layout and sizing options are available under Advanced options. For deliveries to email, the file is delivered as an email attachment.

  • PNG visualization: An image of the dashboard as a single PNG file. The default layout displays tiles as they are arranged in the dashboard, but other layout options are available under Advanced options. For deliveries to email, the image appears inline within the body of the email.

Advanced options

The Advanced options tab provides additional customization for your delivery. The options available depend on the selected destination and format of your delivery.

Custom message

This option is available only for the email destination. Enter a message you would like included in the body of emails to recipients.

Include links

This option is available only for the email destination.

Select this option to include in the data delivery emails a View full dashboard link that goes to the dashboard in Insights.

Recipients must log in to FLYR Hospitality and have access to Insights to view that content in Insights. If you want to remove this link from your data delivery emails, clear the Include links checkbox.


This field is available only for CSV ZIP file formats of dashboard deliveries. It contains two options: With visualizations options applied or As displayed in the data table. You can choose one or the other.

Choose the With visualizations options applied option to apply some of the visualization settings from the dashboard tiles to your dashboard delivery. This causes the files in your delivery to appear similar to table charts. Any of the following settings in the Plot, Series, and Formatting menus that are configured for a visualization will be applied to the data delivery:

  • Show Row Numbers

  • Hide Totals

  • Hide Row Totals

  • Limit Displayed Rows to a maximum of 500 rows shown or hidden

  • Show Full Field Name

  • Custom labels for each column

Choose the As displayed in the data table option to deliver the data as it appears in the data table of each dashboard tile’s Explore from here window.


This field is available only for CSV ZIP file formats of dashboard deliveries. It contains two options: Formatted or Unformatted. You can choose one or the other.

  • Select Formatted if you want the data to appear similar to how it appears in the Data Explorer

  • Select Unformatted if you do not want to apply any special formatting of your query results, such as rounding long numbers or adding special characters. This is often preferred when data is being fed into another tool for processing.

Expand tables to show all rows

This option is available only for PDF formats of dashboard deliveries.

Select the Expand tables to show all rows box to display all rows of any table visualizations in the dashboard — rather than just those rows that display in the dashboard tile thumbnails.

Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column

This option is available only for the PDF and PNG visualization formats of dashboard deliveries.

Select the Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column box to format your PDF or your PNG visualization in a single column layout. This layout displays dashboard tiles in a single vertical column. Leave the box unchecked to show the tiles as they are arranged in the dashboard.

Paper size

This option is available only for PDF formats of dashboard deliveries.

You have the option to specify the optimal size and orientation of dashboard PDFs by selecting from the Paper size drop-down menu. Large visualizations or groups of overlapping dashboard tiles may need to be resized to fit cleanly on a PDF page.

Table resolution

This option is available only for the PNG visualization format and when the Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column box is checked.

You can customize the width of your visualization by using the Table resolution drop-down menu. Your width options are:

  • Normal: 800 pixels

  • Wide: 1680 pixels

For deliveries to email, if you choose Wide and the visualization width exceeds the limit set by your email client, email delivery recipients may need to scroll horizontally to see the entire visualization.

Delivery time zone

By default, FLYR Hospitality uses the time zone associated with your account to determine when to send your data delivery.

If you want to specify a different time zone, select the time zone from the drop-down menu. The time zone you select does not affect the data in your Look or dashboard, just the timing of the delivery.


The Filters tab in the schedule and send window shows any filters applied to the dashboard as well as their values. In this tab, you can edit the values for any existing filters applied to the dashboard and the new values will be applied to the delivery. The dashboard itself will not be affected.

You cannot add filters to your schedule in the Filters tab, only view and edit the values for existing dashboard filters.

If a dashboard filter requires a filter value, you must enter a value in the Filters tab to create or save any edits to the delivery.

When dashboard filters change

Sometimes dashboard filters change after a schedule is created. The table below explains how that affects filters applied to the scheduled deliveries.


Effect on Schedule Filter

A schedule is created with a filter. Later, the filter value is changed on the dashboard.

No effect on the schedule filter value. It remains the value set in the Filters tab, even if that value is is any value.

A schedule is created with a filter. Later, the filter is renamed in the dashboard.

The filter is removed from the delivered data.

A schedule is created with a filter. Later, the filter is deleted in the dashboard.

The filter is removed from the delivered data.

A schedule is created. Later, a new (non-required or required) filter is added to the dashboard.

The filter is applied to the delivered data, using the filter value set in the Filters tab. If no value is set in the Filters tab, the value is interpreted as is any value, essentially removing the filter.

Dashboard filters that are renamed in or removed from a dashboard are no longer applied to delivered data. Schedule creators should be aware that renaming or removing filters could cause deliveries to expose unfiltered data.

Testing a schedule

If you set the Recurrence field to anything other than Send now, a Test now button appears at the bottom left of the schedule and send window.

Click the Test now button to send a one-time test delivery of the schedule only to yourself. A green checkmark appears to confirm a test has been sent.

Saving a schedule or sending now

If you set the Recurrence field to Send now, click the Send now button at the bottom of the window for a one-time delivery to the listed destination.

If you set the Recurrence field to anything other than Send now, click the Save button to save your schedule and close the window.

Click the Cancel button to exit the window without saving or sending the schedule.

Your saved schedules for a dashboard appear in its existing schedules window, opened when you click on Schedule Delivery within the three-dot menu in a dashboard.

Editing a schedule

You can edit only the schedules you have created. To edit a schedule:

  1. Click the three-dot menu at the top right of the dashboard.

  2. Select Schedule delivery from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the existing schedules window, click the three-dot menu that applies to the schedule you would like to edit.

  4. Choose Edit from the drop-down menu.

  5. The schedule and send window appears for that schedule. Make your edits in this window.

  6. Click Save when your edits are complete, or click Cancel to cancel your edits.

Duplicating a schedule

You may want to duplicate a schedule and then edit it. To duplicate a schedule:

  1. Click the three-dot menu at the top right of the dashboard.

  2. Select Schedule delivery from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the existing schedules window, click the three-dot menu that applies to the schedule you would like to edit.

  4. Choose Duplicate from the drop-down menu.

  5. The schedule and send window appears for the duplicate schedule. “Copy” is appended to the schedule name.

  6. Make your edits.

  7. Click Save when your edits are complete, or click Cancel to cancel your edits and delete the duplicated schedule.

The original schedule remains unchanged when you make a duplicate.

Deleting a schedule

You can delete only the schedules you have created. To delete a schedule:

  1. Click the three-dot menu at the top right of the dashboard.

  2. Select Schedule delivery from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the existing schedules window, click the three-dot menu that applies to the schedule you would like to edit.

  4. Choose Delete from the drop-down menu.

  5. A new window appears. Click Delete to delete the schedule, or click Cancel to keep the schedule.

If you need to delete a schedule created by a colleague who is no longer with the company, please get in touch with our Customer Success team via chat.

Should you have any questions on the above, please get in touch with us via the chat and we'll be happy to assist you!

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