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Supported Inventory Request Types
Supported Inventory Request Types

Overview of inventory request types within Groups Quotation tool

Written by Nicole Adair
Updated over a week ago

Our Groups Quotation tool features the unique ability to support four separate request types.

  1. Any Inventory - This is a Run of House (ROH) request. Specific inventory types are not included in this request, only generic inventory.

  2. Specific Inventory - Select from the Units dropdown list to request inventories of specific inventory types.

  3. Any Inventory + Specific Inventory - With FLYR, you can combine both Any Inventory and Specific Inventory allocations within a single request. A common example here would be a group that requests a few room in a higher category, like Executive Rooms or Suites, but otherwise just wants the lowest rate available for any inventory.

  4. Comp Units - Additional rooms included in negotiations for which the group will not directly pay. These rooms will be blocked with a €0.00 rate, but the inventory will be factored into your group displacement analysis and rate recommendations.

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